This is the final installment of my Padme Amidala Wardrobe Series (I plan to do a post on her wardrobe from The Clone Wars once I finish re-watching all six seasons) which will be focused on her attire in Revenge of the Sith. You can see Part 1 here and Part 2 here, if you missed them.
Padme wore twelve different outfits in the third and final chapter of the Prequels (nightgown included). One of which was worn in a deleted scene in the Chancellor's office (which many refer to as the Peacock Gown). Choosing two favorites from this film was probably the easiest of all of three movies as I've always known which ones I loved most.

"Fluid, stiff, rough, crisp, smoother, soft or thick wools, cottons, silks, and sumptuous velvets were screen-printed, embroidered, devored, dyed, smocked, pleated, quilted, beaded, or felted to help achieve a harmonious picture through the use of texture, color, proportion, and balance."
- Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars

I was planning on having this gown made and wearing it to the midnight showing of ROTS when I first saw it. Those plans didn't work out so well but to this day it's still my favorite piece she wears in the movie. The way the steel silk fabric drapes against her figure allows us to see for the first time that she is clearly pregnant with Luke and Leia. The strands of pearls which connect to the silver heart shaped pendant on her gown and her natural hair clipped back showing her glowing face were just a couple of extra added features that made her look even more angelic. I also love that she is wearing her jappor snippet necklace Anakin gave to her shortly after they met. Anakin and Padme were living the lie she said they would with their unspoken marriage but it was clearly evident they had some very wonderful moments together, like that on the balcony where they basically talked about nothing. Because that's what couples who are truly in love do.
For many more photos of this Twilight Nightgown, click here.

"Concept art of putting Padmé in buns first appeared for The Phantom Menace, but the design wasn't utilized until Revenge of the Sith. By mimicking Princess Leia's famous hairstyle from A New Hope, Padmé's buns provide a necessary link between the final episode of the prequel trilogy and the first episode of the original trilogy. While Leia's buns are more Scandinavian, Padmé's are inspired by Native American, specifically Hopi, styles. After Hopi girls participated in a four-day puberty ceremony, their hair was wrapped around u-shapped bows to create the "squash-blossom" or "butterfly" hairdo. This style signified their maturity and readiness for marriage. It's ironic that Padmé wears this hairdo, meant to announce one's desire for a husband, when she's desperately trying to the hide the fact that she's already married!"
- Star Wars: Fit For A Queen

This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite A/P moments. Their love for one another is so clearly evident in this scene and I love the excitement and tenderness they both portray through their words and gestures. Her cloak looks plain in the shadows, but in the light you can see the wonderful pattern and beaded brooch holding it in place. The elaborate drop earrings also compliment her stylized buns, which are nothing but perfect. Overall it's a very simplistic look, especially for Padme. I don't think it could've been worn at a more perfect time. It's the simple things in life that matter the most, like finally being able to hold your loved one after being apart for so long and sharing with them the best news you could possibly give them.
For many more photos of the Senate Landing Gown, click here.
Thanks so much for reading and be sure to share with me your favorites in a comment below or on Twitter.
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