Welcome to the fifteenth Star Wars ComLINKS! Star Wars ComLINKS is the very first monthly link up centered around a galaxy far, far away. The purpose of this link up is to inspire fans to write/talk about various topics (which are assigned each month) pertaining to our favorite fandom. Each link up will take place on the second Wednesday of every month. You will be able to share a link to your Website, Blog, YouTube, Podcast, etc. on a special widget here on AAHA and also view other posts from fans!
The Topic for November is "Rogue One Newcomer" and begins today through November 23rd!
This time last year the topic for ComLINKS was "TFA Newcomer". So, I thought it'd only be appropriate to do the same for Rogue One! Which NEW character are you the most excited to see on the big screen and why? What do you already love about the character? How do you expect their story to play out? Have you already started a focus collection surrounding said character or will you wait until after you've seen the movie? These are just a few prompts to help you get started!
1) Your Website, Blog, YouTube, Podcast, etc. does NOT have to be SW related.
2) Your entry must be family-friendly.
3) Please include a link to (or mention) "Star Wars ComLINKS" in your entry and don't forget to use the hashtag #starwarscomlinks when applicable!

It's no secret that I really, really love Troopers. So when the Troopers were revealed for Rogue One I was extremely ecstatic because I didn't expect there to be several new masked faces donning some of the most exceptional looking armor we have seen in a Star Wars film. The Death Trooper in particular really stood out to me. Their all black armor with belts that resemble Vader's and a subtle eerie green color on their masks makes for a menacing appearance. I actually expected them to answer to the Sith Lord himself. However, the official Star Wars website explains they are in fact Director Orson Krennic's bodyguards. Death Troopers are "Elite" enforcers of the Empire and are much taller than your average Storm Trooper according to this tweet from the official Star Wars Twitter which was just posted a few days ago. Each of these facts about the Death Troopers lead me to believe that they could be the Troopers I've been waiting for. The simple truth is, most of the Troopers that we have been introduced to thus far aren't that impressive when it comes to combat. I want to see these guys live up to their name. I want to see soldiers! I also hope they have a fair amount of screen time. One of the most annoying circumstances is seeing a specific character, take Captain Phasma for example, marketed to no end only to go see the movie and find out they have quite a small role. Do I still love Phasma? Absolutely. But I felt like I was given a false hope in her role over misleading advertising. This is what I don't want for the Death Troopers because as you've probably noticed, they're everywhere.

On a different note, I can not tell you how intrigued I am by this photo. There is a story here that I am anxious to learn about. Who was/is the owner of this doll? Will it resonate with one of the Death Troopers? Will we be introduced to them in an unexpected and personal way? I don't know about you but I think it would be pretty fantastic to have the chance to dive a little deeper into the life or lives of the Death Troopers.
I have grown to love the Death Troopers so much already that I have decided that my next Star Wars inspired OOTD would be based on them. I have some great things being worked on already and although I don't expect to be done with it until after the movie, I wanted to share that news with you because I simply can't contain my excitement over it! If I can't wear their armor, I might as well create my own interpretation of them, right?
Are you a Trooper fan like myself? If so, which new Trooper are you most looking forward to see in action next month?
I agree with you completely. The Death Troopers are intriguing and I'm excited to see them in action! I hadn't realized that they were Director Krennic's bodyguards - that makes them even more interesting. Also, I'm looking forward to your OOTD inspired by the troopers :-)