Welcome to the eighteenth Star Wars ComLINKS! Star Wars ComLINKS is the very first monthly link up centered around a galaxy far, far away. The purpose of this link up is to inspire fans to write/talk about various topics (which are assigned each month) pertaining to our favorite fandom. Each link up will take place on the second Wednesday of every month. You will be able to share a link to your Website, Blog, YouTube, Podcast, etc. on a special widget here on AAHA and also view other posts from fans!
The Topic for March is "Most Emotional Scene" and begins today through March 22nd!
Male, female, young, or old, the Star Wars films have impacted us all. We've cried, we've sat in awe, and we've laughed hysterically because the moment we had been waiting for finally came to life! Which scene from the saga was the most emotional for you and why? What was your reaction? Did you cry, laugh, or could you simply not speak? What meaning did it have for you? These are just a few prompts to help you get started.
1) Your Website, Blog, YouTube, Podcast, etc. does NOT have to be SW related.
2) Your entry must be family-friendly.
3) Please include a link to (or mention) "Star Wars ComLINKS" in your entry and don't forget to use the hashtag #starwarscomlinks when applicable!

There are several scenes in the Star Wars films that I find to be emotional in different ways. For example: The celebration at the end of Return of the Jedi makes my heart feel so warm I could burst. It has always been my favorite ending scene particularly because of the joy expressed through everyone across the galaxy and the music which so perfectly reflects that joy. I also can't forget Han and Kylo's moment in The Force Awakens. I cried so hard the first time I saw it that I didn't even see Chewbacca fire at Kylo Ren so I didn't understand why he was bleeding during his lightsaber battle with Finn and Rey. Confusion much? But the scene that takes the lead is when Anakin leaves his home on Tatooine and says goodbye to his mom in The Phantom Menace.
I have never not felt this huge rush of sorrow or experienced dry eyes when I've watched this scene. There's something about the bond between Anakin and Shmi that is so special it makes it heart breaking to watch. On top of that, Anakin becomes one step closer to falling to the dark side as he begins a new journey without her.
I don't believe it hit Anakin that he was going to leave his life behind including the most important thing to him, his mom, until this very moment. His expression changes as he excitingly follows his new Master's footsteps and stops to take a look back at his mom and then runs to her exclaiming, "I can't do it mom, I just can't do it". Shmi does her best to keep herself together for her only son, giving him hope that they will see each other again. She then does probably the hardest thing any mother could ever do. Everything in her wants to keep him home but she puts her desires aside by placing her son's life and his best chance first. She tells him, "Now, be brave and don't look back. Don't look back". The faith she had in Anakin to succeed as she always knew he would was what ultimately pulled her through this difficult transition in entrusting him to the care and instruction of Qui-Gon, a man she had barely just met. Though painful, she knew it was meant to be. The force willed it!
We see how much Anakin's mom meant to him throughout the film several times. He thinks about her while traveling back to Coruscant, and even during a test with the Jedi Council. Yoda immediately recognizes that he misses Shmi and is afraid to lose her, which is a red flag for the Jedi lifestyle. Anakin knew this but devotion to the ones he loved most was in his veins and we see this commitment and the way it effects him with other people later on including Ahsoka and Padme. He was put to the test as soon as he left Tatooine and continues to go through trial after trial until it finally engulfs him.
These are the thoughts that run through my mind while watching this scene. The tragicness of his life flashes before my eyes and it's so overwhelming, I can't help but cry.
What do you think about this scene? What other scenes do you find emotional?
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