Welcome to the twenty-first Star Wars ComLINKS! This the very first monthly link up centered around a galaxy far, far away. The purpose of this link up is to inspire fans to write/talk about various topics (which are assigned each month) pertaining to our favorite fandom. Each link up will take place on the second Wednesday of every month. You will be able to share a link to your Website, Blog, YouTube, Podcast, etc. on a special widget here on AAHA and also view other posts from fans!
The Topic for July is "Favorite Female Characters" and begins today through July 26th!
In celebration of Forces of Destiny, the new animated micro-series airing July 3rd on the Disney YouTube page and the Disney Channel on July 9th, Johnamarie Macias from The Wookiee Gunner thought it would be fun for the ComLINKS topic to be about your favorite female character from the Star Wars Saga. Why is she your favorite? Do you relate to her in any way? Do you have a favorite scene in which she plays a major part in? Favorite outfit? These are just a few prompts to help you get started. Prepare your entry and make your way back to the homepage of AAHA on July 12th to add your link to the link-up!
1) Your Website, Blog, YouTube, Podcast, etc. does NOT have to be SW related.
2) Your entry must be family-friendly.
3) Please include a link to (or mention) "Star Wars ComLINKS" in your entry and don't forget to use the hashtag #starwarscomlinks when applicable!

I think most people would expect me to say that Padme Amidala is my favorite female character from Star Wars considering that her and Anakin Skywalker are my favorite couple in the galaxy. While I do absolutely love her character and let's be real, her wardrobe, there is another character I consider to be my all time favorite after Darth Vader and that would be Ahsoka Tano. When The Clone Wars first debuted I didn't instantly feel connected to her but I wasn't turned off by her like most people. She was interesting to me because she was unique and had a brain that she wasn't afraid to use. She had a natural joyfulness that she carried about her wherever she went that I truly admired. Even in "work mode" she was focused but also beamed with delight and everyone noticed it. I also loved her interactions with everyone she crossed paths with - always considerate and wanting to help! Even with these complimentary qualities she had struggles and we got to see her and Anakin fall and pick each other back up countless times. Seeing their Padawan/Master relationship flourish was beautiful because through everything they faced, the good and the bad, they continued to grow together in unity. As time went on and more of her characteristics were revealed I began to realize that she possessed many of my own personality traits which left me feeling very connected to her.

I love how Ahsoka remains true to herself in all situations. Even when she was a Padawan and it might not have been the opportune time or her rightful place to make a comment, it didn't stop her from speaking her mind. She believed in greater outcomes and looked for the good in various situations and more importantly, people. The struggle of accepting who her friend and Master had become in Rebels was a difficult one for her to process and I've always thought part of that was because she might have believed there was still some good in him much like Padme did. After learning the truth in her confrontation with him she still remained loyal. Because of her devotion to Anakin Skywalker she declared she wouldn't leave him again even after seeing with her own eyes what her former Master had become. To me that is one of the greatest expressions of love - standing by someone's side NO MATTER WHAT. The pain she must've felt in making that proclamation and then having to stand up and defend herself against someone she loves must've been tormenting. What incredible strength she had!

The fire inside her glows and it is always controlled and never boastful, even when she is in a head-to-head combat. She fights evil with courage and conducts herself in a manner very similarly to Obi-Wan. It's clear the evil she fights is something she's opposed to but she doesn't let it develop into an uncontrolled anger. She's grounded in this belief and it gives her a confidence and hope that truth will triumph even if it's not until the very end. We see this Jedi trait become even more evident with age after she left the Jedi Order and I think it's simply because of the way she was brought up and the strong influences she had around her.

Her fighting style is poised and intentional with acrobatic-like moves making her one of the most gifted Force users ever in existence. I guess that's what happens when you learn from the best, huh? Speaking of which, I think she was an incredible opponent for Vader in the Season 2 finale of Rebels. In fact, I would say she was the best one yet. She gave him a few surprises and met every one of his moves with swift reflexes as if she had already played out the fight in her head. It's no doubt that she is gifted in her lightsaber techniques but I believe that it's her values that she holds onto that get her through every battle she faces. She is fierce. She is a warrior with a mission to defend hope and bring back the light that is clouded by the darkness that continues to unfold throughout the galaxy.
These are the main reasons why Ahsoka Tano is my favorite female character from Star Wars. What are some of your favorite things about her?
I totally agree! Ahsoka is my all time favorite female in Star Wars! There's something so refreshing about her being a warrior but also having all of these qualities that aren't in the typical cliché female warrior character we see all the time! She's so unique and real and I love it! :D
Yay! More love for Ahsoka! She definitely stands out a little more from the rest. Thanks for reading. :)