Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

I've been intrigued by the Solo film which hits theaters on Memorial Day weekend, May 25th, but I didn't get that anxious feeling about a new Star Wars movie coming out until I saw the sneak peek of the trailer on Superbowl Sunday. It got me really stoked, mostly because of the New Hope vibes and iconic characters and ships that made it feel like Star Wars to me. Some fans, including my husband, said it reminded them more of Rogue One. I can definitely see both sides especially now after seeing the full trailer. Which of the two did you think it felt more like? I'm curious to know.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

After watching the teaser trailer a handful of times I can honestly tell you that I'm officially excited for this movie! I love almost everything about the trailer. I say "almost" because at the moment I don't think Alden Ehrenreich's performance as Han Solo is believable. I feel I should state I am not one of those fans who was against someone else playing our favorite smuggler since the announcement. I just felt like I was watching a completely new character on an adventure. Had he not said the things he said like being "the best (pilot) in the galaxy" or been surrounded by familiar elements and characters we grew up with, I wouldn't even know he was Han Solo. But alas, I will wait until I've seen the movie until I make my final judgment.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

With that said I really enjoyed the action, the music, the grittyness, and OH. MY. MYNOCKS. - THE COSTUMES! We all should really wear capes to the premiere, I'm just saying. I do wish we got to see a little bit more of Lando Calrissian, particularly a scene where he speaks, because I am the most excited about his character. I loved Donald Glover's performance in Community and think he's going to add the perfect amount of pizzazz to the character of Lando.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

I will be going into much more detail on my podcast Force Cult this weekend so if you're interested in hearing more of my thoughts on the trailer, be sure to tune in! For now, you can watch my reaction to the trailer below.

What did you think of the trailer? Tweet me or leave a comment below!


  1. I am pretty excited for this movie now, but not over the moon with hype.... I think it's gonna be good, but I agree with you. Alden doesn't seem to fit Han Solo very well from the trailers at least, but regardless, I think I'm going to really like his character- I just don't feel like it's very Han Solo. ;)

    1. Oh, but I AM really into Qi'ra! I hope that she is a great character and not a disappointment like Krennic was to me!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I am glad you're excited now too! Oh, and I agree with you about Qi'ra. Her costumes are amazing.

    4. Yess! I have to draw her ASAP! :D
