The ECCC Padmé Amidala Funko Pop

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

When the news hit that there would be a Padmé Amidala Funko Pop fans were ecstatic and immediately began to speculate over all the extravagant outfits that Funko might have chosen to represent Padmé in. The 2013 Queen Amidala Funko Pop is valued at $120.00 which a lot fans can't afford so with this announcement many had the hope that they could finally add this iconic character to their collection. While I'm very thankful a Padmé Amidala Funko Pop exists and I do think she is a lovely collectible (I'm mostly geeking out over her hair which you can see a photo of at the end of this post), there are some concerns that I have so let's get right into it.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

I think it's safe to say that most fans were dismayed when the first glam shot was revealed showcasing Padmé in her Geonosis outfit after it had been torn by the Nexu. I immediately took note of this and created a quick poll on my Twitter account asking my male friends and followers if they would purchase a Padmé Funko Pop even if her midriff wasn't showing. I 100% knew that they would but I wanted to get some numbers together to show Funko that Padmé is a character who is admired for more than just her beauty. She is a bold character who stands by her beliefs and her taste in fashion is obviously the best in the galaxy.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

Once I spoke up I realized that there were many other fans of both genders who also wouldn't have chosen this outfit to represent Padmé in and I simply wanted Funko to be aware of that. This scene in which her garments were torn was so purposefully done for no other reason than to reveal her skin. This paints a bad picture to young girls and boys growing up in this fandom. Female characters don't have to be sexualized to be cool. Being modestly dressed, having a strong head on your shoulders, knowing how to defend yourself, and a great personality are just some of a long list of attractive traits. I think this is a message that needs to be continuously shared especially with more Star Wars films and TV shows on the way and more collectibles to be made!

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

After reaching out to Funko about my concerns, they expressed that they recognized what I was saying. They also said that if more Padmé Pops are to be made that it is very important that the current one is highly sought after. Friends, we need to buy the heck out of this Funko Pop if we want to see more Padmé in the future. Buy one for yourself, give one to a friend, maybe even give one away on social media? Let's come together and make this happen!

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)

Funko is a great company that interacts and listens to their fans. They heard our voices! They asked all of you what outfits you would like to see a future Padmé Funko Pop wear and so many of you replied with awesome suggestions! I was so pleased to see how much attention their Tweet received so thank you for that!

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer (Reaction Video)
(Thanks to May The Funko Be With You for the photo!)

My last concern is that the Padmé Pop is an Emerald City Comic Con Exclusive. But before you freak out it does happen to be a shared exclusive with Gamestop. This will make acquiring this figure a bit easier to collect though I'm not going to lie to you, it may be difficult for some of you depending on your location. She will be available online and in stores on March 1st but getting in touch with your local Gamestop store asap to try and pre-order this figure might be a good idea. She is currently listed in the Gamestop system as "ECCC #1" for $15.00. I hope this information helps you in your quest to add her to your collection!

What are your thoughts on this Padmé Funko Pop and which outfit would you like to see represented on a future Padmé figure? Leave me a comment below or send me a Tweet!

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