A couple of weeks ago I revealed my Ben Solo outfit on Batuu which you can see by clicking here. What some of you might not have known is that I had filmed the process of shopping for the outfit, creating the hole in the shirt and styling all of the pieces together. Unfortunately, I lost most of the footage but I was able to save some of it and the rest I simply re-filmed.
In this video I show you how I created the hole in Ben Solo's shirt, what tool I used to style the waves in my hair, why I chose to use Ben's lightsaber from The Last Jedi over the reforged Skywalker lightsaber and finally, enjoy my own take of the #BenSoloChallenge!
I hope you enjoyed the video. What do you think about "Star Wars Style Destination" becoming a regular series here on the blog? Please let me know if this interests you in a comment below or get in touch with me on Instagram or Twitter.
A huge thank you to one of my readers, Gordon, for the video suggestion. MTFBWY!
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