This morning, Disney revealed 3 new release dates for upcoming Star Wars movies!
May 22, 2026
December 18, 2026
December 17, 2027
The Star Wars movie set to debut on December 19, 2025 is the one that has been pushed back to the May 22, 2026 release.
It’s been so long since we’ve seen Star Wars on the big screen so I’m a little bummed we have to wait longer now. But, I am EXCITED about seeing two new movies in the same year! I also prefer May releases. It’s always felt nostalgic for me, and it’s also Star Wars month! I just hope these 2026 releases don’t hurt each other in some way since the dates are so close. But with TROS being released in 2019, it’ll be 7 years by the time the next movie comes out so hopefully the response to there being two in the same year will be a powerful one.
What do you think of these dates? How do you feel about seeing two new Star Wars movies in one year? Let me know in a comment below or get in touch with me on Instagram or Twitter.
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